How to Install Cursor AI Code Editor on Ubuntu 24.04

Cursor is an AI-powered code editor designed to boost developer productivity. If you’re using Ubuntu 24.04, this guide will walk you through the step-by-step process to install and set up Cursor seamlessly.

1. Download the Cursor AppImage

Start by downloading the Cursor AppImage file from the official website:

2. Organize the AppImage in a Directory

To maintain an organized system, store the downloaded file in a dedicated directory:

  • Create a folder for Cursor if it doesn’t already exist:
mkdir -p ~/Applications/cursor
  • Move the downloaded AppImage to this folder:
mv ~/Downloads/cursor-*.AppImage ~/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage

3. Make the AppImage Executable

Before running the file, make it executable by modifying its permissions:

chmod +x ~/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage

4. Install Required Dependencies

To ensure proper AppImage support on Ubuntu 24.04, install libfuse2:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libfuse2

5. Launch Cursor with the Required Flag

Cursor may require the --no-sandbox flag to function correctly. Use the following command to launch it:

~/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox

While this allows you to run the application, let’s simplify the process by integrating Cursor into your application menu.

6. Add Cursor to the Application Menu

To make Cursor accessible directly from the app menu, follow these steps:

Step 6.1: Download an Icon for Cursor

Get an icon to represent Cursor in your app menu:

wget -O ~/Applications/cursor/cursor-icon.png

Step 6.2: Create a Desktop Entry File

Create a .desktop file to integrate Cursor into the Ubuntu app menu:

nano ~/.local/share/applications/cursor.desktop

Paste the following content into the file, replacing /home/your_username/ with your actual username:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=AI-Powered Code Editor
Exec=/home/your_username/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox

Step 6.3: Refresh the Application Database

Update the desktop environment to recognize the new app entry:

update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications

7. Launch Cursor from the App Drawer

Now, you can find and launch Cursor directly from your application menu. Simply open the app drawer, search for “Cursor,” and click to start the editor.

Optional: Test the Desktop Entry

To confirm the desktop entry works correctly, run:

gtk-launch cursor

If successful, Cursor will launch without issues.

Security Note

The --no-sandbox flag can present security risks. Use it only if required and ensure you’re downloading the AppImage from a trusted source.

With these steps, you’ve successfully installed and set up Cursor on Ubuntu 24.04. Enjoy coding with the power of AI and a smoother development experience!

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